The police handling of people with mental health disorders is a sensitive and crucial subject. For far too long, such interactions have sometimes led to unfortunate circumstances, such as the shooting of a black man by a white police officer. However, a new trend exists to enhance how police officers deal with such incidents. Interaction…

Florida is one of the states that permits felons to apply for the restoration of their gun privileges under certain conditions. This process is called clemency. There are two main paths to gun rights restoration in Florida: a complete discharge from any criminal charges or express permission to own, possess, or use firearms. Federal Felons…

Mental health lawyers are professionals who are involved in legal matters concerning people with mental health disorders. They advocate for their clients who have mental health disorders to defend their interests and guarantee they are provided adequate treatment. Their job can be challenging and sometimes even stressful, but at the same time, it can be…

All of us face some problems in our lives. In some cases, friends and family are pillars that assist us in handling various challenges in life. But what if the roles are reversed? Have you ever felt that someone you know is not okay, maybe a friend, a family member, or a coworker? It can…

